
skill Crushing weapons

skill description
Crushing weapons

Crushing weapons are blunt, and cumbersome to wield, but those who have mastered this skill can deal great damage to their opponents.

Go to the description in the World of Dungeons encyclopedia

primary skill for:

Knight (level 2)
Knight (level 2)
Paladin (level 2)
Paladin (level 2)

secondary skill for:

Barbarian (level 5)
Barbarian (level 5)
Bard (level 1)
Bard (level 1)
Gladiator (level 2)
Gladiator (level 2)
Priest (level 4)
Priest (level 4)
type attack
may be used - / in round
targetone enemy
Mana points cost -
item crushing weapons
attack typemelee
skill class Close Combat
designed by root

Effect on heroes with this skill

These bonuses and malus are effective when the hero has reached at least level 1 in this skill. (unless otherwise specified).

Defense bonus

Attack Type Modifier
melee -25% (a)
(a) the penalty or bonus are active while the skill is used during pre-rounds, rounds, or while defending.

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